Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Kalashnikov PK/PKM Machine Gun
In 1961, Mikhail Kalashnikov's design for a General Purpose Machine Gun, the PK (Pulemyot Kalashnikova) was formally adopted by the Soviet Military. It fired the standard cartridge for the SVD Dragunov and the M91/30, the 7.62x54 Rimmed cartridge in non-disintegrating belts. In 1969 a modernized version, the PKM (Pulemyot Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy) was fielded, with a lighter, unfluted barrel and a hinged shoulder strap on the buttstock.
There are four versions of the PK/PKM in use today.File:PKS on tripod.jpg
1) The PK/PKM - basic GPMG version with Bipod.
2) PKS/PKMS (Pulemyot Kalashnikova Stankoviy) which is a tripod mounted version
3) PKT/PKMT (Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankoviy) which is a solenoid fired coaxial version for vehicles.
4) PKB/PKMB (Pulemyot Kalashnikova na Bronetransportere) flex vehicle mounted version w/spade grips & butterfly trigger.
File:Pk machine gun.jpg

The PK Machine Gun and variants can be seen in the following films, television series, video games, and anime used by the following actors:

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